Understand Emotions, Drive Results

Dive deep into the human mind, capture the pulse of your audience, and leverage emotions to enhance your company's interactions.

Engage & Understand:

With gamified surveys, experience an exceptional 70+% response rate.

The success of any survey often hinges on its response rate. Traditional survey formats hover around 10-30%. With Feelalytics' gamified surveys, companies experience a groundbreaking shift in engagement, with an unparalleled average response rate of 70%. This ensures richer data, deeper insights, and a more accurate representation of your audience's sentiments.


Beyond Cognitive

Bypass the analytical, tap into pure emotions.

At the core of every decision, even seemingly logical ones, lies a deep-seated emotional response. The human brain operates on two primary levels when making decisions: the neocortex, responsible for rational and analytical thought, and the limbic system, which governs our emotions. While the neocortex processes information and reasons, the limbic system often acts as the driving force behind our choices.

Emoji-Powered Insights

Transform popular emoji expressions into actionable data.

Are emoji valid indicators of in-the-moment mood?

Check out our academic, peer-reviewed study published in the Journal Computers in Human Behavior that validates emoji as a measure of mood.

Linda K. Kaye, Christina R. Schweiger, Are emoji valid indicators of in-the-moment mood?, Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 148, 2023, 107916, ISSN 0747-5632,


Introducing the Net Emotion Score

A revolutionary score from -100 to +100, revealing the intensity of genuine emotions. Combining experience sampling and the Net Emotional Index provides insights you can’t get from normal surveys.

“Companies that prioritize psychological safety avoid worker burnout, retain top talent, and perform better”

- Erica Sweeny, Business Insider 

Mindful Appy’s collection and reporting is anonymous, encouraging a psychologically safe work environment.

Check out Feelings Matter, Our Podcast